
[ISSUE TALK] What do two Koreas' New Year's addresses point towards in 2019?

2019-01-02 17 Dailymotion

남북 정상 신년사, 2019년 한반도 정세는? - 민정훈 대담

For more we have with us Professor Min Jeong-hun from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.
1 - President Moon's New Year's address was focused heavily towards economic issues for South Korea. He did talk briefly about inter-Korean relations, but even that he tied to the economy saying he will endeavor to make an era of peace that will also help improve the economy. What does that tell us about the current political situation in South Korea for President Moon?
2 - How real are the economic benefits if the Korean peninsula were to be at a peaceful and cooperative situation, and how far away is it?
Of course President Moon's speech comes a day after North Korean leader Kim Jong-un delivered his New Year's Day address, where he laid out the regime's policy direction for the upcoming year. It was a somewhat startling address, mainly because of the change in style and format of the speech compared to previous years. Although he reiterated his pledge towards denuclearization, he also warned that the U.S. needs to provide reciprocal measure or that they would find a "new path". Let's take a listen to some excerpts from that address.
"We declared at home and abroad that we would neither make and test nuclear weapons any longer, nor use and proliferate them, and we have taken various practical measures."
"I am always ready to meet with the President of the United States again at any time in the future, and I will be sure to make efforts towards creating an outcome that is welcomed by the international community."
"If the U.S. misjudges our patience and continues to impose sanctions and pressure, we might be left with no choice but to find a new path."
"I am prepared to resume operations of the Gaesong industrial complex, and the Mount Geumgangsan tour program, without preconditions and in return for nothing."
"We need to actively promote multi-party negotiations for replacing the current ceasefire on the Korean peninsula with a peace mechanism, involving with the signatories to the armistice agreement so as to lay a lasting and substantial peace-keeping foundation."
3 - What is the overall assessment of Kim's address this year?
3a - What do you make of the change in style and format of the speech itself? What do you think he was trying to show?
4 - Kim stressed that he is going to continue towards denuclearization but he added that U.S. needs to take measures as well. He's even warned that if the U.S. does not ease its sanctions and pressure, he might be forced to take a "new path". What do you think he means by "new path" and should we be concerned?
5 - Trump has given his initial reaction to the speech and he says he also looks forward to meeting with Kim again. He seems to have ignored the warning that Kim hinted at. Do you think Trump is unfazed by that warning?
6 - He also announced that he is prepared to restart the Gaesong industrial complex and Mt. Geumgangsan tour project, without "preconditions.